Find me on Bandcamp!

Have you heard of Bandcamp

This digital platform helps independent artists connect with fans, build community, sell merchandise online and provide listeners like you with opportunities to support with the option to donate above listed prices for song downloads and merchandise. 

In a world where folks seldom purchase CDs, and streaming has become the norm, artists see as little as $0.0001 per stream from services like Spotify (even if you pay for a premium Spotify account). 

Recording, producing and mixing and mastering high quality music is expensive, starting around $1,500 per song in the Denver metro using a sound engineer, producer and session musician for added instrumentation. 

As I gather grassroots funding and momentum to bring my first EP to life, each purchase of merchandise or song download gets me closer to putting new heart-centered music in the world. 

Explore my profile on Bandcamp and please consider giving me a follow to receive alerts when new artwork and songs are shared here!

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