Chasing Your Daydreams: Music Medicine & Sound Healing Event

Private residence: details revealed after registering, Longmont, Colorado

High Vibe Sisterhood Tribe event featuring live music, sound healing, sisterhood, and tools for finding your medicine through your voice as you chase your daydreams.

SATURDAY, MAY 11TH 5 -7 PM. Near Boulder, CO

Heart centered music, custom affirmations, energy work, and sound healing co-facilitated by singer/songwriter, Darcy Nelson, and Stephanie Schoolmeester, founder of High Vibe Sisterhood Tribe.

Expect: - Acoustic concert with mantras and songs to encourage your journey chasing your daydreams and outgrowing limiting beliefs - Affirmation deck building for mindset shift and alignment - Sound Bath Healing & Meditation - Horse medicine - Energy work - Soul nourishing times

Hosted at a Private Residence near Boulder/Lafayette, Colorado. Register to receive location details.
